The thing about glitter is if you get it on you, be prepared to have it on you forever. Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.
Demetri Martin

Friday, August 6, 2010

Feeling a little Out-of-Focus

I've been a little distant as of late. 

Here's what I've been doing, though:
  • Attended the second HRM Artisans group meeting (email me for information) 
  • Started a Facebook page for Third Street Handcrafters.  (Join now so you can get even sicker of us than you already are - see right sidebar for info my little eager beavers!) 
  • Discovered Craftopolis and Etsy Hacks thanks to the gracious sharing of information from the HRM Artisan group members in the last July meeting
  • Researching Etsy SEO and selling success tips.  Found this blog post particularly helpful
  • Listing new dolls in the Third Street Corner Store
  • Revising the Third Street Corner Store and experimenting with item renewal
  • Listing dolls in the Third Street Corner Store
  • Thinking about fall and Christmas craft fairs
  • Considering new charitable endeavors
  • Finishing up this quilt (and more here) for a special little someone
  • Finished Voices in Time by Hugh MacLennan (read this if you love HMac like me!), which I wrote about here and have promised to revisit again upon completion for your continued literary education - a la Andrea
  • Started Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris, which I will tell you more about as I delve deeper in the upcoming days
So you see, I've been busy.  Plus I was temporarily abandoned by my generally ever-present sister/partner who ultimately added to my distractions by bringing home my sweet new niece, Aster. 

How can a girl blog under these circumstances?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hurray for CanLit! And Hugh MacLennan.

Lyndsay said...

Know this feeling all too well! Much happening all the time! Hope the second meeting of HRM Artisans went great, love to hear more about it, so sorry I couldn't make it!


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