The meme will be called etceteras and it will begin at the start of each week, running for one week with a new topic up for ponder each week. Be forewarned! Intelligence and intellect are required to participate, no matter how skewed-ly you may possess these qualities.
The point of the meme is for each participant to share a bit of senseless humor aimed at intriguing and enticing the minds of their blog readers. We are hoping to promote community amongst participating bloggers, provide entertainment for participants and readers, and to boost traffic to each participant's individual blogs.
But actually, I just want someone to tell me once a week how funny I am.
What we're looking for:
A short (or long - hey, it's your blog, do whatever you want) little blurb relating to the week's topic presented in your best literary comedic manner. Topics will be chosen for their humorous and satirical potential (eg. weird aversions, top five's, overheard conversations). Topic suggestions are welcome, and can be submitted here for consideration. We will make our best efforts to review all links and report back on what we find most intriguing among them.
The rules are simple.
All posts must consist of the writer's own presentation of the subject. I know there's a lot of funny stuff out there - we all already get all that via email from various family members and friends. We're looking for your thoughts and observations -the crazier and more cynical, the better- presented in a humorous and engaging manner. We ask that all participants add a link on their blog back to the weekly post here so that others can participate if they so choose. Also, for clarity sake, make sure you mention the week's topic in your post.We'll be using MckLinky to generate a list of all participants. For anyone who hasn't used this service before, it is very easy. At the bottom of our weekly post, just click where it says you're next and enter the name of your blog and paste a link to the specific post that corresponds to the meme (ie. not the main page of your blog). Your blog then gets added to the list of participants, linking other readers and bloggers directly back to your post. Please be sure to support other participants by leaving comments on their posts. They will likely return the gesture (nudge, nudge). If you do not have a blog but want to join in, just leave your entry in our comments section for all to enjoy.
So, friends.
I want you all involved and to involve as many blogging friends as you can reasonably recruit. This will earn you a metaphorical gold star. You know you can't resist the gold star. But I emphasize "reasonably." Don't be one of those annoying Internet hounds who constantly fills your various in-boxes with whiny requests for comments and links.
But none of us know anyone like that, right??
To kick things off, I'm going to start a new topic for this week (yes I realize it is already Wed, but the meme didn't exist at the start of the week, silly).
This week's topic:
Simple Solutions
Offer a solution to a "simple" problem that is plaguing your community today. That's right, folks. You get to both identify and solve the problem, all in one simple blog post. So do something good this week and share with us your simple solutions for our problemed world.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!

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